Portal Flash Learning: Part 2
After the initial class, with it’s focus on “Learning” as
its theme, the next two classes focused on “Collaboration” and “Communication”. The class continued to use the free
Flash version of Portal to accomplish this.
For the day on “Collaboration” the students were asked to
find a partner and log in to their computers. The game requires the your left hand operates the keyboard,
which controls player movements, while the right hand controls the mouse, which
is used to place portals in the testing room.
It is physically impossible to negotiate any of the puzzles
without using both hands.
With their partner, students were instructed that only one
partner could control one device.
One player could operate the keyboard, and the other could operate the
mouse. This task was also
buttressed by three of our class rules, which they were asked to reflect on
when they began playing.
The rules were as follows:
My Words Matter
I have a Voice, I will Use it
We can’t do it Alone.
As expected, this caused a great deal of frustration, but
eventually, they began to figure out a series of commands that they could use
to accomplish their goals. We
ended with another discussion around the parallels between this activity, and
the group work they are usually assigned in school.
The third and final day focused on “Communication”. The students were asked to find a different
partner from the previous class, and again log in to the game. When they began however, I told them
that they would not be allowed to talk or write directions to one another.
After 30 minutes of this, I began to allow them to write or draw
as a way of communicating, and at the end of class, I allowed them to begin
Many of the students felt that this was extremely
beneficial, as the silence in the room, and the need for forced listening that
non-verbal communication created, actually made things easier.
We are currently starting a paper that will begin to address
the overall experience and its efficacy.
Here is the prompt:
The Portal Flash Unit
Did you find this unit to be of value? Is it something that
should be taught again in the future?
Think about the three themes:
Day One: Learning
Day Two: Collaboration
Day Three: Communication
You will write a paragraph/section on each of these
themes. Each paragraph/section
should answer and discuss the following questions:
How did the game address this theme?
Was it effective in teaching you about the theme
as it relates to you?
Why should it be taught again next year, or why
should it not be taught?